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What is “name drop”? I don’t know what that means.

Name drop allows you to customize your favorite Cape Shore products with your town, state, resort name, or even your store name AT NO CHARGE. Depending on the piece type, your products can be customized with a handwritten message or a pad printed (machine stamped) message. And we think you will be happy to know that all of this work is done right here in Yarmouth, Maine by a group of dedicated people who have worked at Cape Shore a long time. They care very much about providing you a great quality name drop!


Why would I want to name drop?

Everybody's doing it! But beyond that, here are two more reasons you should take advantage of Cape Shore's FREE name drop whenever possible:

  • You will sell more. It is proven that a product that is customized with the town name will out-sell similar products that aren't name dropped!
  • It differentiates you from the competition. Many products are name dropped, but usually only with the state name. Cape Shore allows you to name drop your specific TOWN NAME.


How much extra is it going to cost?

Nothing. Name drop is always free.


Can I name drop any product I want to?

Almost two-thirds of our line can be customized. You can name drop all products designated with an asterisk. This includes ornaments, magnets, mugs, shot glasses and on and on… Below is the code we use throughout the catalog for what can be name dropped. It might seem a little confusing at first, but you’ll get the hang of it. Or call us- we’re happy to help!

If the item has:

  • * = The item can be name dropped; up to 21 characters including spaces.
  • *LS = Item can be name-dropped but with “limited space” of up to 10 characters.
  • NS or no designation means there is “no space” and the item cannot be name dropped.


How do I decide if I want a handwritten message or pad printing?

Good question! Both forms of name drop are great and many times it comes down to personal preference. Pad printing is done by a machine, is more uniform, and holds up better with normal consumer use. Hand lettering looks more natural and homemade and may differ from product to product. The hand lettering allows you to purchase just 6 or 12 pieces whereas pad printing requires a 72 assorted piece minimum within a category. 


So, what are the minimums? Most companies make me buy a lot of pieces if I want to customize.

We wouldn’t do that to you. We know the name drop is important so we want to make it easy for you to order. So, if you order handwritten messages, simply meet the minimum purchase for the product category and you qualify. If you want pad printing, we ask that you buy at least 72 pieces within a product category- 6 each of 12 designs, 12 each of 6 designs, 36 each of 2 designs – you get the idea!


This sounds like something I want to include on my Cape Shore order. How do I do that?

Place your order with a rep…they are experts at this. Or, place your order online; our system will walk you through it! Or, if you like to write your own orders, no problem at all, use our easy system below:

A = Message 1

B = Message 2

865-01 A

865-02 B

865-34 B


Is there anything else I should know?

We have name dropped millions of pieces over the years. Please trust us that we will put your name drop in the appropriate place and in the appropriate color. We process so many different orders in a given week that we can’t accommodate special requests for colors, placement or font style. Sorry!

And, we wish our name drop products (either hand or pad print) were dishwasher safe, but they really aren’t (or at least not for very many washes). We strongly recommend hand washing of the name dropped items.