Click here for a Lead Time Update - January 24, 2024

Artist Submissions

At Cape Shore, our motto is "Turning Vacation Moments into Memories". We sell to stores nationwide and in the Caribbean catering to tourists. We look for designs that help keep that vacation feeling alive for years to come.


We have 3 options for submitting artwork for consideration.  They are as follows:


1.  Send a link to your online website

2.  Send representative images in a PDF

3.  Send prints which will be kept on file for possible future contracts


Artwork can be submitted to:


Artist Submissions

Cape Shore

86 Downeast Drive

Yarmouth, ME 04096


If your art is appropriate for us, we will keep your portfolio on file and call you when we are interested in licensing it or commissioning something similar. If you would like your submission returned, please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope.